Wednesday 5 October 2011

motivational theories

The motivational theories that are used by businesses are Maslows hierarchy of needs theory , Alderfers ERG theory, Herzberg two factor theory or Mcclellands need theory.
Out of the motivational theories the one that relates to me most is Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs theory  the reason is that i like to draw and paint. what motivates me is my art being appreciated by others and me creating a work of art that i am proud of because it raises my self esteem due to this i have a big ego when it comes to my drawings as i do not like to receive harsh criticism. If i am not able to prodcue a good piece of artwork it will lower myself esteem and this in turn makes me depressed, less social and unwilling to continue drawing the piece of art i was working on. For this reason i feel that Maslows theory relates to me the most due to the self esteem, ego and self actualization that is needed in order to self motivate myself in aiming to reach my goal.

My motivation for starting my degree was to be able to get a better indepth understanding of business and what management in a business encompasses. As it will allow me to have a better chance of getting a job after completion of my course. What motivated me to go to university is wanting to get a higher education that can help me to make a lot of money and find a secure job in a business firm. what i feel will motivate me for the next three years will be the need to get a first or 2.1 degree and the self satisfaction i will have if i reach this goal.
A time when i was demotivated was, at school when i was studying for my GCSE my teacher  asked me what career path i wanted to choose, i said that i wanted to be a scientist or a engineer. when my teacher said to me that it was an unrealistic that i would be able to become one , i was upset and this demotivated me , because of this i did not want to pay any attention to my GCSE exams due to having second thoughts about if i would be able to become a engineer or scientist . In this position i had low self esteem that was having an impact on my productivity making me not want to go to university. What motivated me to continue with my studies and aim to reach university was my parents having faith in me and telling me to try my best whatever the outcome. This relates to the Maslows two top levels of his hierarchy of needs and also relates to Aldefers ERG theory.
because after being demotivated my parents, motivate me by giving me praise and recognition when i reached university and i also am produce that i did not give up in my studies. The way in which me being demotivated due to not wanting to gain further education relates to the theory of Herzberg is, that Herzbergs theory is made up of two factors which are hygiene factors and motivators. As i had no motivation it would mean that my hygiene factor would not be good due to my dissatisfaction of hearing i could not go into my chosen career and it would mean that i would not have any motivational factors in relation to Herzberg two factors theory.
 Mclelland thoery of need relates to when i was demotivated, the reason being that mclelland expands upon the motivational needs of a person and one the needs he expands upon is the need for achievement. If i had this encouragement when i was demotivated i would be able to be motivated and gain good grades, which in turn would lead to me wanting to further my education.
If i were to do something differently when i was demotivated i would have not taken the comments by my teacher too seriously and would have worked harder than i did in order to have achieved more as it wold raise my interest in the field of science and engineering and i would have more of an appreciation for not giving up.

In conclusion i feel that in order for me to feel a sense of achievement and motivation, being demotivated was a factor that helped me and i can see that the theory of motivation that is best fits me is Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs theory of motivation.

1 comment:

  1. A detailed blog Hussain, it would be better if you discussed the theories in some depth before relating to your own personal experiences. You have made a very good attempt at doing this but you need to be more concise, at the moment it is a little disjointed and haphazard. You have all the right elements, just re read your work and adjust in the light of my comments. Remember to reference.
