Tuesday, 27 December 2011


The difference between management and leadership are that:

Leader are less bureaucratic and by the book people such as management. Leaders also take more risks and try to get the business to go into new ventures and expand the business to generate higher profits.  They also motivate and inspire employees to come up with ideas that they think the business should consider which could help generate more income, by listening to the employees ideas the employees are motivate and feel more accepted and look up to the leader.  They are also able to encourage people to follow a new vision or direction that a business is heading in.  leaders are also more personal and like to have a good relationship with employees and staff members as they have empathy for employees well being and care about how their employees are feeling at work and if there are any problems the employee is experiencing if so they leader aims to find a solution to this in order for the staff members to work better together.  The also communicate with all employees and like to know what employees think of the business they are working in and make suggestions in the way that the business could change in order to be more successful and the leaders encourage change and not sticking to one industry and expanding in to new ventures.
What management does on the other hand compared to leaders is that they are more by the book bureaucratic. Managers do not like to take risks and are not to concerned with expanding the business interests and are more focused on keeping control of situations and solving any problems within the business.  The managers also like to plan and budget when going into new ventures as opposed to leaders who would motivate employees and staff members to expand the business managers think that it can be a risk not worth taking that could lead to the business making a loss and overlook the potentials for making a profit.  Managers also like to organise things and like to assign roles to employees that are specific and just want employees to get on with the task they are carrying out and like to reputation in the business. On the other hand leaders would like to make changes mangers would not be as comfortable in changes being made in the business such as new ways of organising information and employees making suggestions for changes.  They also like to encourage order and predictability such as if the business thinks of making changes the mangers would be against this and say that they predict that the business would not generate more income and could lead to a loss being made such as, if a business that sells shoes starts to sell coffee the business would make a loss and not a profit from this change in the business is what a manger would think.  Where as if a  business that sells shoes was to sell coffee and have a sitting area for customers it could lead to increased profit or loss this is the type of risk that a leader would take and motivate employees to follow though with and mangers would be completely opposed to this type of idea.  The managers also like to be in control and want employees to follow their orders and not make suggestions and neither are they encourage to input any ideas , mangers compared to leaders have l low level of emotional involvement  and do not like to concern themselves with problems employees may be facing in their private life they just want employees to get on with their job while at wok . manager also like to see results and profit  being generated by a business and do not like excuses if they assign a job role to an employee the managers like the employees to get the job done just as they had planned.

 Some of the key leaders within my college in the business department were the head of the year and the course team leaders . within the college they had a large influence and impact on the way in which the business department operated and with out the leadership then the business department would not have been successful as was.  They reason for them being good leaders was because the head of year was a efficient and effective team leader was because she took into account any problems that students or staff members were having and helped find solutions to the problems, they head of year also set up lots of different projects and tried to introduce new ways of teaching that were not present in the college at that time.  the head of year was also very inspirational and helped to motivate the lectures as well as the students within the college.
The course team leaders were good leaders as well, the reason that they were effective in their role was that the groups of the students that they were assignment to were able to achieve the results we wanted due to the help that we received from the course leaders, any type of help that the students need was given to them by the course team leaders. The were also very effective in listening to the lectures and the opinions of the students and staff themselves, they were also very relaxed and had empathy for their lectures and the students , for example when a lecturer received bad news and left the class , the team course leader was quick to leave his class and look after his staff member.  The team leaders can be linked back to the theory trait of cutlers leadership jigsaw.

Vision –  The leaders within the college have a vision and their vision is to be able to expand their business department, help their students to be able to achieve high results and be able to receive more funding for them to continue improving their ways of teaching.

Motivation –  course team leaders were able to motivate me and my fellow students by  telling us that if we were able to complete our coursework and pass the course before the  deadline date then we would be taken to Thorpe park for the day, this was a very good sign of the team leaders motivating the students by telling that they would receive a reward or an incentive for completing the task of completing work on time and the students made sure to complete their work before the deadlines and were able to achieve good results.

Empowerment – This means that the leaders help their students to become more independent make decisions by themselves that can lead to what they will do in the future. By empowering employees and students the lead will show that they are able to take into account suggestions and opinions on the way in which e business department in the college operates and changes that could be made to improve the teaching .
Example –  By being an example towards the lectures and the students, they would be able to present themselves as good motivators and leaders, the students would also listen to what the head of year had to say and take it into account and the staff members would also take into account any suggestions that the leaders had for them in order to be able to better teach a specific subject area or take risks with the college with new projects that would show lectures and students that by taking risks the results could be very beneficial

Communications – There was good communication between staff members and students and this showed the team leaders that they were able to in the role of leadership communicate ideas and task to their employees and through good communication in a polite manner be able to encourage the student sot be able to achieve the results the course team leaders want on their students to gain. By communicating their ideas to their  staff members they could be able to make innovations in to the teaching style that are currently present within the college.

Relationships –  There was very good communion between the leaders and the students , this was essential the reasons being that if they was a bad relationship between the team leaders and students the course leader and head of year may have been good leaders but due to the relationship they had with the students the students would not pay attention and look up to the leaders as inspirational or motivational.

In conclusion what can be seen is that in order for any type of organisation to functional mangers and leader are very important to have within the business if the business does not have good leadership then  the business will not be able to expand the business and if it tries to could lead to failure, the leaders need to be able to take risks and not have lack of passion and confidence as this could have an impact on the staff members with a business. The leaders also need to be very organised and not act like a manager would , they have to interact with employees, take suggestions and receive constructive criticism about their leadership. They should also be able to show empathy towards their staff members as this will mean that they will receive more respect and recognition from their employees and the business in a whole.


  1. A detailed blog covering all aspects. Your explanations are informative and include good links to theory well done.
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  2. Also include references throughout and list at the end.
