Monday 23 January 2012

Perception and communication

A situation within which my initial perception of someone was incorrect was in school. The situation was that a new person had joined the school and due to the dress code they had, what was perceived by the students was that he was weird. This was due to stereotypical view because the person used to wear a lot of dark clothing and did not try to interact with other people or make any contribution in class. What my initial perception was that this person was odd and that I would not like to be friends with this person. Then one day I was told by the teacher to work with the person in pairs on a project. Instead of being withdrawn and not wanting to speak to, the persons and I got along very well and he had said that he liked gothic music that was the reason for his dress code and that people thought that he was some depressed kid and stayed away from him. After getting to know the person I was able to realise my initial perception was incorrect and that he was the same as other but was more shy, as the project progressed we become good friends until we finished school. In order to avoid making this type of judgment and having an incorrect perception of an individual I would try to get to know the person first and not listen to stereotypes as this could lead to an incorrect perception of someone

After reading the article on “how to improve staff communication”
 I have identified 3 ways in which the university can improve communication with students these are:

  • 1.    The university could branch further into social networking and set up face book and twitter pages on which latest information regarding the university could be posted, in regard to any events taking place at the university or if they are taking place in the surrounding area around the university.  By doing this an improvement in communication between staff and students would be established as students and staff would be provided the same information as staff members regarding events.

  • 2.       Instead of using the email system that is being used at present by the university, they could notify students by text messages, face book and twitter messages if lectures are cancelled or if the university will not be open on the day, this could be due to bad weather such as snow.

  • 3.       Weekly tutorial meetings could take place in order. This would be very good as it would allow students to ask any questions or explaining any difficulties they may be facing in the course with their personal tutors.  the tutors could also sit down with each student in their group and talk to them about the current progress they are making on the course and how they could improve their progress in order to achieve higher grades and they could be told about essential deadline dates or work they need to have completed In order to make sure that all students are up to date on the course.  

1 comment:

  1. Good detailed personal example.
    Comments on university communication clear and relevant
