Tuesday 8 May 2012

Final blog

Final blog

While doing this module an interpersonal skill that I have developed is problem solving, the reason for this is that while doing the blogs in encountered problems with finding relevant information and making the blogs more detailed. When I was working on the group report I faced some problems as well especially in terms of learning to work in a group and trusting others to get the task done as well. The way in which I was able to develop the interpersonal skill was that by doing each blog I was able to adapt to the style of writing, understand the questions more clearly and find relevant and specific information for the blogs.

Out of all of the blogs the most difficult one for me was the personality blog , the reason for this was that I found it difficult to understand what nomothetic and ideographic was and relate them to the nurture and nature.

If I was the module leader ,  changes that I would make to the module are:

  •   . I would lower the amount of blogs for students to do, to around 8 to 10 blogs, as students would be able to make the blogs more detail with in-depth answers, the smaller amounts of blogs would also I feel students would be more inclined to get them done more quickly as well.

  •        I would have some work shops that would involve students to work together  to learn about parts of the module and decrease the amount of theory work. Students would be more involved in the workshops and pay more attention than they would if sitting in a seminar doing theory work

  •     The pass percentage placed on the blog is too high and weights down the module,  I would lower the percentage for the blogs to 30% and increase the pass percentage needed on the reports.  I think this would not put as much pressure on students trying to do the blogs and in order to complete them adding irrelevant information 

Performance management

Performance management is the  process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational performance ( Armstrong and baron, 2004).

In school I was sent on work experience  to a engineering firm,  once a week i had a meeting with my manager to discuss my performance and ways in which i could improve. This was an affective appraisal for me because I was able to receive feedback which helped me to improve upon my weaknesses.  It also allowed me to be able to improve upon my performance in the job role by being set certain targets by the manger to reach and then reviewing my performance with the week with the manger to see if i was succeeding or failing to meet the targets. Due to the meetings i was able to learn how to improve my performance and make sure that i was meeting targets set,  i also learned by meeting my targets that i was able to do more work and be able to complete it to a high standard.

“Mentoring is so simple,” said Walsh. “All you are doing is getting someone who is better at something than you to guide you through.” Mentoring can be someone outside of the organisation who acts as a friend and trusted counsellor. (The times, 2004)
The skills needed to be a an effective manger are interpersonal skills and communication skills. The  reason is that the mentor must be able to speak confident in front of people in order to motivate them to improve themselves,  the mentor must also be able to be approachable and have good personality so that who every they mentor is more likely to take their advice achieve better in what they are doing.  Mentors can be hired by businesses for employees and more experienced employees can also be mentors for employees that are facing difficulty.
Someone in my life who has been a mentor to me is my college lecturer, Mr. martyn silver .  he helped me to improve my writing style and understand different parts of my business course that i was having difficulty with. He was a very helpful and approachable person. For his part of my business b-tec unit , i was not able to pass his unit even after 3 drafts of the coursework, by him mentoring me and helping me i was able to on my final draft get a good grade and i was able to develop a much better understanding of business.
This had a very big affect on my life as it allowed me to get the required grades needed for university, it also allowed me not to find the degree course as difficult. The reason for this was that i had more better understanding on the basics of business before starting my degree course. It also showed me that it is not quantity but quality that is required in work to be done well and by their being more focus on quality of writing then you are more likely to understand what you are writing.
The times , 2004


There are many different ways in which a business can reward their employees, such as offering them appraisals and incentives this can be to, motivate the employees to work harder or show employees that the business appreciates their contribution and thanks them.

An organisation that I am familiar with is B&Q. there are a lot of different ways of rewarding employees that B&Q use.  B&Q has a reward package that consists of many ways to reward employees, what B&Q say id that “We reward our colleagues with a competitive rewards package.” what the package consist of is:

- May different bonus schemes to celebrate success

- Discount cards offering 20% off B&Q products, in store or online
- Our Employee Benefit Book offers discounts on everyday product and services
- B&Q support working parents by offering childcare vouchers allowing significant savings. 

(diy.com, 2012)

Some of these rewards are:

Bonus schemes - The bonus schemes that B&Q have in place are designed to increase performance and reward accordingly, there are various types of bonus scheme that are each designed to allow employees to share in success of the business. B&Q make sure to annually review the schemes in order to ensure that they remain competitive in the market place.

Flexible working – B&Q take into account flexible working  and state that all permanent employees irrespective of sieve or caring responsibility have the right to request flexible working hours, so that they are able to achieve more balance between other commitments and work

HSA and BUPA membership- HSA is one of the largest health plan providers in the UK, employees of B&Q are offered membership rates to the services offered by the two organisations.

 Employee personal benefits - Employees of B&Q can enjoy various discounts at high street retailers, travel, leisure, and other great places. All of the employees are entitled to 6.6 weeks of annual leave.                                               
                                                                                                                                          (diy.com, 2012)

The rewards system that B&Q has in place differs from business such as Tesco or Asda as, B&Q offer their employees more rewards and try to motivate their employees to work to the best of their ability, what can be seen is that B&Q show that they really care about their employees as they have long term service awards for recognition for long term employees who have been with B&Q for a long time by awarding them additional annual leave and bonus payments on specific anniversary dates.  There is some difference in types of rewards given to employees as older people and younger people due to age and ability to work , as older people are unable to work as many hours and require more rest,  the healthcare memberships are more targeted at the older employees as well as less working hours and longer days off.

 Fairness and equity in the business is insured as people who have been working for long hours are given more leave and fewer hours so that they are able to work to the best of their ability, irrelevant of age employees are recognized for achievements by being made employee of the month based on their performance.  

The arguments for should chief executives of business receive large bonuses is that , the performance of a business does not solely rely upon the direction chief executives take the business in, the chief executives rely upon line managers and branch mangers of the business to ensure that employees are working hard and meeting targets.  If they employees are not meeting targets then the line manger and branch mangers are responsible for this and not the chief executives.  Large business can still be given to chief executives if businesses are underperforming due to it being stated in their contract. The reason they should be given large a large bonus is that the are working hard in their job role but if other employees are not working hard or doing jobs correctly then it is not the fault of the chief executive and he should not have a bonus he has deserved taken away from him due to the under performing employees.

The argument against chief executives receiving large bonuses, is that it is wrong for the people who are  head of the business to receive large bonuses when they are underperforming , instead their should be pressure put on the chief executives as to why the situation of under performing has occurred.  The whole performance of business relies on the chief executive as they are responsible for the direction that an organisation takes , an example is when the banking crisis happened head of the royal bank of Scotland Stephen Hester was offered by the board of directors a large bonus, he was forced to reject it due to the situation that he had put the bank in , the direction he took as well as other chief executives resulted in devastating impacts on the general public as well as the organisations own employees. Large bonuses could instead of being given to chief executives be used to help the business to increase their performance so that they are generating high profits in which case chief executives would deserve large bonuses.   


diy.com (2012) B&Q benefits and rewards [online] Available from: http://www.diy.com/diy/jsp/corporate/content/careers/our_roles/benefits.jsp [Accessed 2 may 2012]


The online recruitment website that was chosen to be review was www.monster.co.uk. The website is very easy to use; you can type in the search box a keyword which will take you to the jobs relating to the keyword.  This is very useful as it allows a person to be able to find jobs relating to their keyword very quickly, by adding other specific information the individual is able to find accurate information for the job roles he or she is looking for.  They website layout is very clear and simple, with helpful information which has been spaced out. The website has utilized usability features in an effective manner with drop down menus as the top of the website with a large section in the centre of the website that has a search and location bar. The website also has the features of uploading a CV and looking at employer’s profile that have been listed on the website. The list of the employers is large with big business being listed.

The e-recruitment campaign that interested me is www.jobsearch.co.uk. The reason that this interested me was that the website allowed me to upload a CV to the website and be able to sign up for job alerts through emails and newsletters.  The features are very good for the user because if their is a vacancy then the user will be emailed the job opportunities,  the user can continue to search the website, another useful feature is that application for mobiles allow searching for a job and getting notifications makes it easier for the user to be able to find a job.

I went on to the website and did some of the tests, by completing these tests I have come to the conclusion that these tests are suitable for a business to use when in the recruitment process, the reason for this is that it helps business to be able to assess if the applicant is suitable for the position, has a diverse set of skills that will allow him or her to do the job on a day to day basis.  The tests shows the business what skills applicants have, people will have different strengths and weakness and by asking the possible employees to do the tests businesses will be able to see which candidate would be suitable for the specific job role also depending on the different skills the people may have, people not suitable for the specific job role may still be considered for future reference, as they skills set the person has may be useful to the business in the future.

Jobsearch.co.uk (2012) job search [online] Available from: http://www.jobsearch.co.uk/ [Accessed March 27 2012]

Monster.co.uk (2012) monster job search [online] Available from: http://www.monster.co.uk/ [Accessed 27 2012]
Shldirect.com (2012) recruitment test [online] Available from:http://www.shldirect.com/ [Accessed march 27 2012] 


Three different companies that offer flexible working are: Tesco, Marks and Spencer’s and McDonald’s


Tesco support flexible working, offering part-time roles and encouraging job-sharing opportunities and shift-swapping where possible. (Tesco.com, 2009)

By offering these types of flexible working tesco tries to be able to make it easier for staff to get work done. 

Part time roles

employees are able to work fewer days and hours, this would be very good for people who have others commitments and are not able to work everyday of the week for example parents and young people in university or school would be able to work two to three days a week and not have to work the same hours as full time employees. The advantage of part time workers for tesco would be that they would not have to employee a lot of full time workers and part time workers could be hired for seasonal work.  A challenge for the line manager would be that part time workers would need training to carry out some jobs due to lack of experience and there could be clashes between part time and full time staff.

Encouragement of job sharing

This means that people are encouraged by tesco to work together to get jobs done , more than one person can have the same job role this would be for an advantage for employees as it would allow employees to get tasks done more quickly or if an employee is away then the job would still be completed. The advantage of job sharing for the employer would be that tasks that need to be         completed such as stocking shelves could be done quickly and effectively and this could also be team building as employees would have to work together to get jobs done.  Challenges line managers in tesco could face are that employees may not be suited to jobs they are assigned to or they many object to doing the tasks assigned. 

Shift swapping

This means that employees are able to swap shifts with other employees if they are unable to do their shifts.  The advantage of shift swapping for employees would be that , employees would be able to swap shifts with each other in advance and not have to reschedule anything hey may want to do out of work.  For example an employee working in the morning that may be busy in the morning could swap shifts with an employee working in the evening.  A challenge that the line manager may face is that if employees do not notify the line manger in advance problems could be caused as an experienced employee may be needed any would not be available due to changing shifts with another employee.

Marks and Spencer’s

Marks and Spencer’s offer a range of options for flexible working, be it part-time work, job sharing or term-time working. We also offer support for staff wishing to study or to take a complete break with our career break scheme of up to nine months’ unpaid leave. (Marks and Spencer.com, 2012)

Term- time working

This is aimed at students and other people in education who are only able to work between school terms and holidays.  The advantage of term time working for employees would be that they would be able to work in between half terms and holidays such as Easter and Christmas holidays. This would also be an advantage for the line manager and the organisation as they would not have to give full time contracts to the employees as they would be part time workers.  Especially in holiday’s businesses such as marks and Spencer’s are busy, by having employees for the term time work they would be able to lower the work load and have enough employees to deal with customers. Challenges faced by the line manager would be that the line manager may not be notified about who would be working in which term and this could cause problems for employees and the employer.

Job sharing

The advantage is that employees are able to share the same job and they are able to get more work done together instead of one person doing the job. This means that two employees share the same job, for example security guards are an example of job sharing as they work together in order to keep the shop floor secure.


Part time roles and employment of relatives.

McDonald's offers part time roles to students and other people that are only able to work small amount of hours, the have also introduced a new programme that means that they can employ a maximum of 4 people from the same family, the advantage of this is that if a employee is unable to work their shift then another member of the persons family will be able to cover or swap shifts. This would be good as McDonalds hires a large number of employees as they need to be able to serve customers with a quick service to customers. Employees with the organisation are trained so that they have necessary skills to be able to do all different types of jobs with McDonalds, the working environment is flexible as for example an employee is able to operate tills and also help prepare food when busy.

Tesco-careers.com (2012) why join tesco [online] Available from: http://www.tesco-careers.com/home/working/why-join-tesco  [Accessed 23 April 2012]

Marks and Spencers.com (2012) flexible working at marks and Spencer’s [online] Available from: http://corporate.marksandspencer.com/mscareers/rewards_benefits/lifestyle_options/flexible_working Accessed 20 April 2012]

Mcdonlads .co.uk (2012) join the team [online] Available from: http://www.mcdonalds.co.uk/ukhome/People/Join-the-team.html  [Accessed 19 April 20

Equal opportunity

Equal opportunity relates to legislation intended to outlaw discrimination.  (Mullins, L, 2010). Within a business the human resources department will take care of  equal opportunities issues  that may rise within  the organisation. There can be problems between employees or managers, the reason for the equal opportunities legislation is that is makes businesses have to action in a positive way against discrimination with the work environment. The legislation such as the equality act 2010 helps to eliminate unjustified discrimination by making it unlawful and it provides a mechanism for individuals that suffer from or have suffered discrimination to seek redress.

The different forms of discrimination that can arise are : indirect and direct discrimination.

Indirect discrimination is when a person has or is treated unfairly due to some requirement that would disproportionately exclude the group that the person belongs to, or when the requirement is not be justifiable.  An example of indirect discrimination would be all employees have to be over a certain height in order to do the job.

Direct discrimination is when an individual is or has been treated less favourably for a reason that has directly to do with his/her sex, marital status , race, origin of background , age and disability. An example of direct discrimination is to refuse a woman a truck driver job due to her being a woman.


Diversity focuses upon the multiplicity of differences among people on the variety of people as heterogeneous grouping. Individuals differences are the basis of diversity. (Mullins, L, 2010).  It also means that the business is trying to meet the aims and objectives that were set by the business at the beginning of the year.

Some of the advantages of diversity are an increased adaptability and broader service range. In terms of increased adaptability businesses that employ a diverse workforce are able to provide a larger variety of solutions to problems with a service, sourcing and allocation of resources. Employees from several different backgrounds bring to the business, individual skills and experience in making suggestions for more flexibility in adapting to customer demands and market fluctations. 

The boarder service range means that their will be a more diverse collection of skills and experience this will include for example cultural understating or language skills. These skills allow business to provide services to customers on a global scale. ( Ariclesfree.co.uk, 2012)

Differences between diversity and discrimination

Differences between diversity and equal opportunities is that diversity is focused upon dealing with discrimination , by helping to solve issues and problems so that there is an increase in the contribution of employees to the business.  In equal opportunity cooperation between employees is strongly encouraged. Diversity does not require action to be taken in the same way as equal opportunity on which the human resources department in a business is relied upon to deal with the issues.  (Bizcoverimg.com, 2008)

Views of employers to wards young people and older people

The views that employers have against young people is that they are lazy and not committed to the jobs. This would show that employers think that young people are not motivated to come to work on time and are not committed because they will often not complete their tasks to the standards that is required by the business. . they way in which business can change their perceptions of young people is by offering incentives and appraisals to those young people that are working hard and are committed as this will also motivate un professional young people too also work hard and do a professional job so that they are also able to receive the appraisals and incentives.

The views that employers have towards older people is that they are unable to do jobs quickly and are unable to do certain task due to their old age. Employers also believe that they can be a liability for the business are they are more likely to get injured at work. The organisation can change their perception of older people by offering them longer brakes  and holidays with smaller shifts so they are able to rest, the business could also position elder people on tills and have younger people do carrying items and stocking shelves. Because younger people will be more productive in doing labor work than older people would be .  these suggestions would be beneficial for the business as it would help to change business attitudes and productivity of staff.

B&Q diversity and equal opportunities

“At B&Q we are committed to equal opportunities in employment and value diversity within our Company. We wish to create a positive work place, where people feel comfortable to be themselves and where everyone is treated with fairness, dignity and respect. We will eradicate all forms of inappropriate/offensive behaviour including bullying, intimidation, victimisation, discrimination or harassment and ensure that we protect the rights and opportunities of an employee to work and progress.” (diy.com,2010)
What b& Q say about diversity is that respecting diversity is central to their success, or reputation and their profitability.  It’s not an optional extra or a nice to have; it is the mark of our humanity and is crucial to our B&Q culture.  (diy.com, 2010)

In order for B&Q to increase their diversity and make sure that every employee has equal opportunities B&Q uses monitoring, this is useful as they say that by B&Q holding monitoring information on every employee consisting of their age, disability, gender and ethnic origin, B&Q are able to identify areas for improvement, by doing this B&Q hope to ensure that customers and staff will say it is a great place to work and shop for everyone.  The information is treated confidentially.  In order to make improvements upon diversity they have set some goals for the year, these are:

To achieve and retain a top ten position in Race for Opportunity Benchmark

 To achieve our aspirational gender target for total management population and improve position in Opportunity Now (Gender) Benchmark

 To achieve and retain a top ten position in the Employers Forum on Disability Standard Benchmarking

 To achieve an upper quartile position in Stonewall LGBT index

 To achieve a world-class score on Q12 employee engagement measure (diversity question)

 To extend the range of Daily Living Made Easy products and increase sales in this category by 10%

 To achieve external recognition for B&Q’s diversity programmes from a range of external stakeholders   (diy.com, 2010)


In conclusion their can be many cases within an organisation where discrimination may occur between employees in the workplace ,  in order to prevent this from occurring manger and bosses need to make sure that if there are any problems positive action is taken in order to deal with the problem HR departments are responsible for dealing with equal opportunities and diversity within the business, B&Q is  a very large organisation that has many legislations and acts that are enforced to prevent discrimination and increase diversity with the business for their employees.


 Mullins, L J. ( 2010) Management And Organisational Behaviour. 9th Ed. Pearson’s Education Limited: Essex
diy.com (2010) B&Q equal opportunities and diversity [online] Available from: http://www.diy.com/diy/jsp/corporate/pdfs/diversity.pdf [Accessed 2 may 2012]
Bizcoverimg.com (2008) equal opportunities in workplace [online] Available from: http://bizcovering.com/business/diversity-management-and-equal-opportunities/ [Accessed2 may 2012]
(Ariclesfree.co.uk (2012) diversity in the work place [online] Available from: http://www.articlesfree.co.uk/Art/73294/292/Diversity-in-the-Workplace-Benefits-Challenges-and-Solutions.html [Accessed 2 may 2012]


The three different types of selection methods used by tesco are interviews, assessment centres and screening.

Business such as tesco use selection methods to gather information about a job candidate’s personality and a get a better understating of why the person wants the job.  Candidates are put into situations that may require them to work in a team, employees such as tesco will observe if a person is able to work well in a team and if they posses the skills that the job requires.

Out of all selection methods the most used is interviews,  it is unusual for people to be hired without an interview, there are two different types of interviews these are, structured or unstructured. Roberts, G. (1997). The types of interview that tesco uses are over the phone interviews, face to face or group interviews. They best type of interview to use is face to face as this gives the employers a chance to see the candidate and asses their body language when asking questions.

In an un structured interview the interviewer uses his or her judgement about the performance about overall performance of the candidates. It is the most used interview type by selection agencies for businesses such as tesco as businesses have confidence in these agencies ability to assess candidates without the restrictions of structured interviews.  Candidates are often encouraged to answer freely in unstructured interviews as this will allow them to feel more comfortable and answer more questions with confidence.

The advantage of an interview is that it allows the interviewee to get an idea of the type of person the candidate is by seeing them face to face.  Candidates will also not be able to receive any help that would help them to succeed in a face to face interview as they would be a telephone interview. The answers of the candidate are their own answers and opinions to the questions.  Interviews also allow the business to get a better understanding of the candidate as the answers to questions reflect on the suitability of the candidate for the job position.  The disadvantage of using an interview can be very time consuming and costly due to the time required too assess all the applications and prepare interview questions and compile a feedback report to give to other staff members and choosing the best candidate for the job role. 

Assessment centres

Another selection method that is used is assessment centres. The selection, method is used mostly after candidates have been short listed for the job. The Assessment centres involve application of a number of techniques that over a period of time, they last from at least a day and often a number of days Roberts, G. (1997).  Assessment centres have has a process that ask candidates to complete certain task and make a final decision based on the assessment performance.

The advantage of suing assessment centres is that they use a range of different techniques too assess the possible candidates instead of just one, this allows them to be able to observe different candidates strength and weaknesses as one candidate may be stronger in one task than in a different task where he/she may not be able to performance well in.  The assessment centres have the highest predictive validity out of all the different selection techniques Roberts, G. (1997).  

The disadvantage of assessment centres is that in order for them to help pick good candidates is that they need to be developed as cost effective. This is to ensure that candidate specification is clear and techniques are matched more effectively to the criteria.  The evaluation process needs to be effective for bring results of various techniques into the overall assessment. Roberts, G. (1997


The screening method used by organisations in the recruitment process means to select which applicants will progress to further stages in the recurring process.  This provides selectors with a clear idea of the qualities and traits to focus on screening the application forms together with poor or good evidence, the reason is that it will vastly improve the quality and consistency of the screening process. The same principles can be applied to curriculum vitae, although the different nature of each candidates CV makes the task more time consuming and difficult. Roberts, G. (1997).  For example in Tele sales usually initial screening of a candidate is done over the telephone.  When a candidate applies for a job they ill call the organisation, a screening person will answer the call and using a script ask questions to the person, based on the answers the candidates give over the phone they are told that the organisation that if the applicant receives a call form them then they have been selected to go through to the next stage if not the they were unsuccessful.

The advantage of screening is that it is not time consuming for the employers as they area belt o go thorough the application forms and find the suitable candidates for the job role. The screening process will help them do this by narrowing the applicants down to the most suitable people for the job, the process is also unbiased as the selectors personal opinion cannot influence which candidates advance as they are only able to make decisions using the data they have collected.  The disadvantage of the process is that over the phone the screening person does not know if it is the candidate answering the questions asked or if it is another person helping out a friend or family member, CV and application forms may also have false information in them, in the process this may be over looked and people not suitable for the job may be chosen in place of much more suitable candidates due to the information they have provided.

An interview that I took part in was at school, the school had organised some mock interviews with local businesses being invited to the school to take part in the interviews. The students were given the business that would be interviewing them. Students were told to dress smart and appropriately on the interview date and told the time of their interviews. The different organisations ranged from engineering firms to universities.  The school gave all of the student’s questioners to fill out what they would like to do when they left school. These questionnaire sheets were given to the interviewers, my interview was with a local engineering firm called Hale Hamilton.  The interviewer asked me some specific questions in relation to the business and why I would like to work there. The type of interviewing was unstructured as she expected me to freely build upon my answers giving detail, as I gave the answers she made notes about my performance and the interview ended. Later in the week the students were given letters that showed a tally sheet with our performance and some feedback from the businesses, in my case the business was happy with  the answers that I had given in the interview and said that Hale Hamilton would have accepted me if the interview has been real. Although the  interview that I had did not relate to what I wanted to do in the future I was able to be relaxed and give good answers to the questions I was asked  this gave good experience on how to conduct yourself in an interview and the type of body language to have

In conclusion business should make sure that when carrying out the selection process they need to analyse the type of business they are and if they have sufficient funds and time to go through process. In the case of Tele sales, over the phone screening may be more appropriate and in a retail business an application form would be more suitable.  If organisations use incorrect methods of selection it can lead to mistakes being made, wrong candidates could be chosen and the organisations may miss out on the correct employee for the job.


Businesscasestudies.co.uk  (2012) tesco recruitment and selection [online] Available from http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/tesco/recruitment-and-selection/selection.html [Accessed 30 April
Roberts, G. (1997) Recruitment And Selection. The Cromwell Press: Wiltshire

Mullins, L J. ( 2007) Management And Organisational Behaviour. 8th Ed. Pearsons Education Limited: Essex