Tuesday 8 May 2012


The online recruitment website that was chosen to be review was www.monster.co.uk. The website is very easy to use; you can type in the search box a keyword which will take you to the jobs relating to the keyword.  This is very useful as it allows a person to be able to find jobs relating to their keyword very quickly, by adding other specific information the individual is able to find accurate information for the job roles he or she is looking for.  They website layout is very clear and simple, with helpful information which has been spaced out. The website has utilized usability features in an effective manner with drop down menus as the top of the website with a large section in the centre of the website that has a search and location bar. The website also has the features of uploading a CV and looking at employer’s profile that have been listed on the website. The list of the employers is large with big business being listed.

The e-recruitment campaign that interested me is www.jobsearch.co.uk. The reason that this interested me was that the website allowed me to upload a CV to the website and be able to sign up for job alerts through emails and newsletters.  The features are very good for the user because if their is a vacancy then the user will be emailed the job opportunities,  the user can continue to search the website, another useful feature is that application for mobiles allow searching for a job and getting notifications makes it easier for the user to be able to find a job.

I went on to the website and did some of the tests, by completing these tests I have come to the conclusion that these tests are suitable for a business to use when in the recruitment process, the reason for this is that it helps business to be able to assess if the applicant is suitable for the position, has a diverse set of skills that will allow him or her to do the job on a day to day basis.  The tests shows the business what skills applicants have, people will have different strengths and weakness and by asking the possible employees to do the tests businesses will be able to see which candidate would be suitable for the specific job role also depending on the different skills the people may have, people not suitable for the specific job role may still be considered for future reference, as they skills set the person has may be useful to the business in the future.

Jobsearch.co.uk (2012) job search [online] Available from: http://www.jobsearch.co.uk/ [Accessed March 27 2012]

Monster.co.uk (2012) monster job search [online] Available from: http://www.monster.co.uk/ [Accessed 27 2012]
Shldirect.com (2012) recruitment test [online] Available from:http://www.shldirect.com/ [Accessed march 27 2012] 

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