Tuesday 8 May 2012

Performance management

Performance management is the  process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational performance ( Armstrong and baron, 2004).

In school I was sent on work experience  to a engineering firm,  once a week i had a meeting with my manager to discuss my performance and ways in which i could improve. This was an affective appraisal for me because I was able to receive feedback which helped me to improve upon my weaknesses.  It also allowed me to be able to improve upon my performance in the job role by being set certain targets by the manger to reach and then reviewing my performance with the week with the manger to see if i was succeeding or failing to meet the targets. Due to the meetings i was able to learn how to improve my performance and make sure that i was meeting targets set,  i also learned by meeting my targets that i was able to do more work and be able to complete it to a high standard.

“Mentoring is so simple,” said Walsh. “All you are doing is getting someone who is better at something than you to guide you through.” Mentoring can be someone outside of the organisation who acts as a friend and trusted counsellor. (The times, 2004)
The skills needed to be a an effective manger are interpersonal skills and communication skills. The  reason is that the mentor must be able to speak confident in front of people in order to motivate them to improve themselves,  the mentor must also be able to be approachable and have good personality so that who every they mentor is more likely to take their advice achieve better in what they are doing.  Mentors can be hired by businesses for employees and more experienced employees can also be mentors for employees that are facing difficulty.
Someone in my life who has been a mentor to me is my college lecturer, Mr. martyn silver .  he helped me to improve my writing style and understand different parts of my business course that i was having difficulty with. He was a very helpful and approachable person. For his part of my business b-tec unit , i was not able to pass his unit even after 3 drafts of the coursework, by him mentoring me and helping me i was able to on my final draft get a good grade and i was able to develop a much better understanding of business.
This had a very big affect on my life as it allowed me to get the required grades needed for university, it also allowed me not to find the degree course as difficult. The reason for this was that i had more better understanding on the basics of business before starting my degree course. It also showed me that it is not quantity but quality that is required in work to be done well and by their being more focus on quality of writing then you are more likely to understand what you are writing.
The times , 2004

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