Tuesday 8 May 2012

Final blog

Final blog

While doing this module an interpersonal skill that I have developed is problem solving, the reason for this is that while doing the blogs in encountered problems with finding relevant information and making the blogs more detailed. When I was working on the group report I faced some problems as well especially in terms of learning to work in a group and trusting others to get the task done as well. The way in which I was able to develop the interpersonal skill was that by doing each blog I was able to adapt to the style of writing, understand the questions more clearly and find relevant and specific information for the blogs.

Out of all of the blogs the most difficult one for me was the personality blog , the reason for this was that I found it difficult to understand what nomothetic and ideographic was and relate them to the nurture and nature.

If I was the module leader ,  changes that I would make to the module are:

  •   . I would lower the amount of blogs for students to do, to around 8 to 10 blogs, as students would be able to make the blogs more detail with in-depth answers, the smaller amounts of blogs would also I feel students would be more inclined to get them done more quickly as well.

  •        I would have some work shops that would involve students to work together  to learn about parts of the module and decrease the amount of theory work. Students would be more involved in the workshops and pay more attention than they would if sitting in a seminar doing theory work

  •     The pass percentage placed on the blog is too high and weights down the module,  I would lower the percentage for the blogs to 30% and increase the pass percentage needed on the reports.  I think this would not put as much pressure on students trying to do the blogs and in order to complete them adding irrelevant information 

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